The University Transportation Center for Alabama is proud to recognize Ms. Stephanie Watson as its 2007 Student of the Year. Stephanie was a graduate research assistant at The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and a 2010 graduate of UAB’s doctoral program in civil engineering, with a focus on construction management and transportation.
She received her BS in civil engineering from Lawrence Technological University in May 2005. In May 2007, Stephanie completed her MS in civil engineering with certificates in construction management, transportation, and environmental engineering. Her master’s thesis resulted from her work on a UTCA research project on protection of critical transportation infrastructure.
While a student, Stephanie was an active member of ASCE, SWE, ITE, and Chi Epsilon. The presentation of the Student of the Year award occurred in Washington, DC during the Transportation Research Board’s Annual Meeting. At the awards banquet Ms. Watson was able to meet Mr. Norman Mineta, former Secretary of Transportation.